Project Description

Georgia is a country located in the south of the Caucasus Mountains next to the Black Sea. It has got 4,7 Million inhabitants. 

The capi­tal is cal­led Tiblisi, the place er deci­ded to stay during the rese­arch for our mul­ti­me­dia repor­tage about homo­se­xua­lity. In Geor­gia most of the popu­la­tion is strictly reli­gious as they are mem­bers of the chris­tian-ortho­do­xian church.In Geor­gia the church embo­dies tra­di­tio­nal and con­ser­va­tive values. It cap­tures a radi­cal posi­tion against homo­se­xua­lity. As the people are reli­gious, the church has got a big influ­ence.

The 17th of May is regar­ded ad an inter­na­tio­nal day against homo-,trans- and bipho­bia for 16 years. At the 17th of May 1990 the World Health Orga­niza­t­ion (WHO) deter­mi­ned that homo­se­xua­lity is not a men­tal ill­ness. Since 2000 any sexual actions bet­ween the same gen­der are legal an there is an anti-dis­cri­mi­na­tion law to pro­tect people with ano­ther sexual ori­en­ta­tion. Though civil uni­ons are still not accep­ted. Even tough the law seems to adjust the pre­sent time, the society is still con­ser­va­tive and partly even homo­phobe. The church takes the 17th of May as an occa­sion to go against ten­den­cies of mar­gi­na­li­sa­tion. In 2012 for exam­ple, 20 people demons­tra­ted against the dis­cri­mi­na­tion of homo- and trans­se­xu­als. They were insul­ted and pus­hed back aggres­si­vely by ortho­do­xian priests and their fol­lo­wers. The defen­sive atti­tude of the popu­la­tion towards the LBGTQ is still visual. Patri­arch Ilia the second even demands to avert the LBGTQ rights and declare homo­se­xua­lity as a sin and disease. The demons­tra­tion in 2013 men­tio­ned above was orga­ni­zed by the LGBT orga­ni­sa­tion Iden­toba. The peace­ful pro­test march was ended by 20.000 coun­ter demons­tra­tors that broke through the police bar­rier. They threw with mis­si­les into the crowd and aver­ted that the demons­tra­tors could be brought to safety. It ended up with 28 inju­red people being brought to hos­pi­tals. These and fur­ther riots in Geor­gia are occa­sion for us to get our own view about the situa­tion. The­re­fore we want to con­tact dif­fe­rent mem­bers of both par­ties.
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Mul­ti­me­di­a­re­por­tage of Monika Han­f­land and Lea Franke