Project Description

Foot­ball is like thea­tre, if there´s no fans, you´d just be play­ing for your­self.”


georgian cab driver and former player of Dinamo

The his­tory of FC Din­amo Tbi­lisi began in 1925. When foot­ball became one of the most popu­lar sports in the world, Din­amo sports society set out to form a foot­ball club.
In the middle of the 1930s and 1940s, they became quickly one of the best teams in the Pre­mier League of the Soviet Union Cham­pionchip. First major suc­cess was in 1964, when Din­amo Tbi­lisi won the title of the Soviet Top League. The first appearence in Europe was in 1972, play­ing and win­ning against the Dutch team Twente Enschede, in 1973 they won their first inter­na­tio­nal title by bea­ting Atlético Madrid and Ben­fica, one of the best teams at the time.

The high­light of Dinamo´s his­tory was win­ning the Euro­pean Cup Win­ners ´Cup of the sea­son 1980/81. They kno­cked out West Ham United and Feyn­o­ord Rot­ter­dam. In the final on May 13 in 1981 they played against Carl zeiss Jena and won 2:1.

Din­amo played its first and last match in the Soviet Top League against Dynamo Kyiv, both of them ended 2:2 and wit­hin the Geor­gian Indi­pen­dence in 1990 the Geor­gian foot­ball Fede­ra­tion refu­esd to par­ti­ci­pate in Soviet Union Cham­pi­ons­hip.
From that time, Din­amo has been play­ing in the Geor­gian Natio­nal Cham­pi­ons­hip, win­ning it 10 times in a row, also having quite some suc­cess in Geor­gian Cup, but not in Euro­pean tour­na­ments any­more.

The sta­dium of FC Din­amo Tbi­lisi has been fil­led most of the time in the past. 84.000 people would fit in the sta­dium, more than 100.000 have been atten­ding big matches, spe­cially against Eng­land or Ger­many, when the natio­nal team was play­ing.
Till now, the num­ber of people inte­rested in foot­ball and atten­ding matches of Din­amo decrea­sed quite a lot.

The level of geor­gian foot­ball is quite low, if there is a good player with some future in that sport, he wouldn´t stay in Gero­gia, but go to euro­pean clubs the wes­tern side.
Focu­sing now on ano­ther import­ant part of the sport, is the fans. Quite an import­ant thing is some point an geor­gian cab dri­ver and for­mer player of Din­amo Tbi­lisi (1997–99) made:

„Foot­ball is like thea­tre, if there´s no fans, you´d just be play­ing for your­self.“

Thin­king about that, there is not only fans sup­porting their club while sit­ting peace­fully on their seat, its way more than that, what foot­ball is about. It is about pas­sion and emo­ti­ons and somehow, the way you express it.

The Bar

It was the 13th of May in 2016, exactly 35 years after FC Din­amo Tbi­lisi had its big­gest suc­cess in its his­tory. The mood in the bar was good but tense, a lot of beer has been pou­red. That place was fil­led with some foot­ball fans, but mainly ultras and hoo­li­gans. They all belonged to Din­amo Tbi­lisi, nobody else would have been accep­ted at that day in that place.
What all of them had in com­mon was the love for their city and their club, ready to fight for it, when its nee­ded.

The chance had been given to talk to two mem­bers of the „Berg­man“ hoo­li­gan firm, which is the first hoo­li­gan firm in Geor­gia and the best one, as they say.
Ultras Din­amo Tbi­lisi is an alli­ance con­sis­ting the two ultra firms „Fronti“ and „Bri­gada“, and the „Berg­man“ Hools. The first aim of Ultras Din­amo Tbi­lisi would be to attract fans and return them to the sta­dium to sup­port the his­to­ri­cal team Din­amo. Those three firms would be united not only for Din­amo, but also for the right-wing ideo­logy. They´d be mainly natio­na­lists, but there would also be more radi­cal mem­bers in Ultras Din­amo.

Others might not like our atti­tude and actions, but we can´t do other­wise. The streets of Tbi­lisi belong to Din­amo fans, people of Tbi­lisi and natio­na­lists. Ever­yone must know it. We´ll do any­thing for it. That´s why we are trai­ning our­sel­fes phy­si­cally and living a healthy live­style.“

The firm has done many things on natio­na­li­s­tic mat­ter, that threa­te­ned some of the boys future lives in terms of get­ting arrested and the need of taking them­sel­fes back now, other­wise they would easily end up in jail for quite some years. It had a huge impact on the firm, as some boys can´t be with the other mem­bers tem­pora­rily.


There is no spe­cial fri­en­dship with other teams in dif­fe­rent coun­trys, but there is some con­tact with Ukrai­nian natio­na­lists. They would appre­ciate their actions because ever­y­body would see impro­ve­ments of the firm, as they´d be the only firm in Geor­gia, wich would not only speak in pic­tures, but in acts. It would be very good for Din­amo, if there was some­body, but unfor­t­u­n­a­tely, nobody would be reaching their level jet.

Sioni Bolnisi vs Dinamo Tbilisi

The next morning there were some mem­bers of the „Gla­dia­tors“, the offi­cal fan­club of din­amo, stan­ding in front of the Din­amo Aca­demy. It was match­day, they would be waiting for the bus, taking them to Bol­nisi, oppo­nent of that day.
The Gal­dia­tors are sup­por­ted by the club, which is pro­vi­ding a free bus to matches. Fans in the bus would be exi­ted, loo­king for­ward to the match, but not get­ting drunk, as some­body could pro­bably expec­ting it. Arri­ving in Bol­nisi, they went strai­ght to the sta­dium, led inside.
Every sec­tion of Din­amo fans, ultras and hoo­li­gans got their own ban­ner, repre­sen­ting them­sel­fes, each one of those put quite some effort into that, as an import­ant part of the fan cul­ture.
At and during the match, there was no chance to get out­s­ide the fan block, nobody would sell food or beer, there was just no demand for it.
Fans had been sin­ging, of course, not con­ti­nously, but try­ing hard to sup­port their club as loud as they could. Its also about pro­vo­ca­ting the fans on the other side, espe­cially towards the end of the match the mood of the fans of both sides would get more tense, pre­pa­ring to over­come bor­ders and „express“ their feeilngs against each other.
The situa­tion esca­leted quickly, when fans of Bol­nisi mana­ged to get behind the block of Din­amo, attacking those, both sides using their fists, some of them thro­wing sto­nes, taking out their belt to beat each other and the seats of the fan block also see­med quite uese­ful to throw after some­body.
After the final whistle, ever­y­body dres­sed in blue and white was led strai­ght to the bus, which was waiting as close as pos­si­ble in front of the entrance of the sta­dium. Secu­rity and police see­med overw­hel­med with the task to keep the oppo­n­ents sepe­rate. Ever­y­body was pug­na­cious now, wil­ling to fight.
The bus has been dri­ving slow down the street, direc­ted to the bor­ders of town, to get ever­y­body calm again. While dri­ving that slow, some sup­por­ters of Din­amo mana­ged to open the back door of the bus, get­ting out there. It only took seconds to empty the bus. Some short street fight came up, dis­sol­ved as quickly as it star­ted by the police. Those would escort the bus, fil­led with sup­por­ters of Din­amo the whole way back to Tbi­lisi.

Din­amo is against all teams in Geor­gia, almost against all. We don´t have fri­endly reala­ti­ons­hip with any­body in Geor­gia, because, actually, no other firm is on our level.“

Num­ber one enemy of Din­amo is Tor­pedo Kutaisi. There have been several matches bet­ween each other, Din­amo always win­ning them. As tal­king about com­pe­ti­tors, firms of Din­amo would not take other fan­clubs serious, because they wouldn´t be into fan stuff mainly and they would use ordi­nary people, local „Kuzma“* in fight­ing.

* „Kuzma“: that word is used to describe people who are atten­ding foot­ball matches just for fun

Fans provocating
the others,
willing to fight
for their club.
Summary of the match
against Sioni Bolnisi
on 14th of May ´16
After the fight

Those mem­bers of the hoo­li­gan firm Berg­man had been tal­king about what was their best expe­ri­ence since they came toghe­ther. There would have not been many times they could be on tour toghe­ther, because they are exis­ting about an year now as a firm and they are finan­cing them­sel­fes only.
The most spe­cial expe­ri­ence they had toghe­ther was some story that would start in Tbi­lisi. Mem­bers of Ultras Din­amo stole the ban­ner of Samt­re­dia fans, it had a lengh around 9 meters. There would have been some online threads from Samt­re­dia side and Ultras Din­amo had to go there for return match, but the fan cul­ture of that town would not be deve­lo­ped. In Samt­re­dia would be a crowd, on Din­amo side only 10 Mem­bers, who would have to fight against Kuzma, that would not be easy.
Ultras Din­amo would have pain­ted the whole town, made some graf­fi­ties, sin­ging their challan­ging songs, but because of the phy­si­cal appearance, no one would dare to fight those guys. The only thing they would have done was thro­wing sto­nes after Din­amo sup­por­ters.
Those would have orga­ni­zed a march on match­day without any dif­fi­cul­ties, same at the sta­dium.

„To fight against us is dif­fi­cult, because we are well trai­ned and phi­si­cally pre­pa­red.“

Thro­wing sto­nes would be piti­ful, there would not be any­thing more, that needs to be added.

If there was the chance to get on tour with the Geor­gian Natio­nal Team, they would be there indeed, but often there is no finan­cial resour­ces for that. Regar­ding colours, they would only reco­gnize blue and white, the colours of Din­amo.
It would be good for them to fight against a group of the same size, not only in the streets, but also in the woods, where they do exer­cise and do spar­ring, too. As alre­ady men­tio­ned, they would not have any com­pe­ti­tors jet, if some serious group visits Geor­gia, they would be eager to fight them.
They hope, that they meet some high class team during Europe League, not mea­ning the club, but its fan side. It would make no dif­fe­rence, who it is, there would be big dan­ger in their city. They would not be to many, but they would do high qua­lity things. Quan­tity would not mat­ter, qua­lity would be import­ant in that case.

Bergman presenting proud their trophy, the banner of Samtredia
Ultras Dinamo graffiti

Georgian Cup — Final


Only four days after the match in Bol­nisi, both teams played again against each other, but this time it would be the final of the Geor­gian Cup. It took place in the sta­dium of Kutaisi, secu­rity would be on alert, cogni­z­ant, that the fans of both cities, Tbi­lisi and Kutaisi are hating each other. That was the rea­son why there has  been more police, secu­rity and of course, more fans.
The situa­tion would be that dan­ge­rous, that the bus with Din­amo sup­por­ters sit­ting inside had to drive round­a­bout way to get to the sta­dium. Sup­por­ters of Tor­pe­dos Kutaisi could have been expec­ted the bus, waiting on direct way to the sta­dium, thro­wing sto­nes at the bus or atta­king it other­wise. That was the rea­son why a big part of Din­amo Tbi­lisi fans arri­ved half an hour late at the sta­dium, not­hing import­ant hap­pend on the foot­ball field till that point.
The atmo­s­phere inside the sta­dium, which was much big­ger than the one in Bol­nisi, would be dif­fi­cult to describe. Sup­por­ters of each team, Din­amo and Bol­nisi were atten­ding the match, Kutaisi sup­por­ters beeing there, it see­med if there have been a lot of neu­tral fans too and also there was a fan block full of Sol­diers of the Geor­gian Army. The dis­tance bet­ween the ones, that shouldn´t meet was quite big enough and they were kept sepe­rate the whole time, even after the match.
It see­med, that the fans would use more energy on sup­porting their team than to insult the fans of the others, but they cer­tainly did both.
In the end Din­amo Tbi­lisi fans held the cup in their hands, when play­ers came and reached it to them, as they wan­ted to show their gra­ti­tude. If it was for that one second, none of them would think about bea­ting some sup­por­ter of a dif­fe­rent club or attacking some­body because of his skin­tone. Ever­body on that one side was just happy about the suc­cess of their team and win­ning the cup. It see­med to be soot­hing, somehow. They would cele­brate, of course, during the ride back home, inside of the bus, sin­ging and drin­king.

From the perspective
of an Ultra

working as a team toge­ther, this story has been made by Leluka Nozadze, Tako Tatu­lish­vili and Cor­ne­lius Mühl­bach

those three pic­tures were made avail­able by Ultras Din­amo Tbi­lisi